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Request Validation

Stric facilitates request validation by leveraging route states. These states can act as guard functions, validating requests and setting context state accordingly.

Using State for Validation

Basic Validation

A single state function can validate requests and set ctx.state.

    .state(ctx => {
        // Perform validation
        // Return null or a value to set ctx.state
    .get('/', ctx => {
        ctx.state; // Access ctx.state with type hints
    .state(ctx => {
        // Perform validation
        // Return null or a value to set ctx.state
    .get('/', ctx => {
        ctx.state; // Access ctx.state with type hints

Multiple States

You can validate and set multiple states.

        id: ctx => { /* Validate and return ID */ },
        query: ctx => { /* Validate and return query */ }
    .get('/', ctx => {
        // Access states;
        id: ctx => { /* Validate and return ID */ },
        query: ctx => { /* Validate and return query */ }
    .get('/', ctx => {
        // Access states;
  • Merging States: If state is called multiple times, single states override previous ones while multiple states get merged.

Parsers as Shortcuts for States

Stric provides parsers as a concise way to define state validations.

Examples of Parsers

  • JSON Parser: parser.json(body => { /* validate JSON body and returns the body or null */ })
  • JSON Validator: parser.jsonv(body => { /* validate and return true or false */ })
  • Text Parser: parser.text
  • Form Parser: parser.form
  • Buffer Parser: parser.buffer
  • Blob Parser: parser.blob

Using Parsers with Validation Libraries

Here's an example using the vld-ts validation library:

import { t, vld } from 'vld-ts';
import * as parser from '@stricjs/app/parser';

// Define a schema
const User = t.obj({
    id: t.str,
    name: t.str,
    'age?': t.num
}), isUser = vld(User);

// Use parser with validation
import { t, vld } from 'vld-ts';
import * as parser from '@stricjs/app/parser';

// Define a schema
const User = t.obj({
    id: t.str,
    name: t.str,
    'age?': t.num
}), isUser = vld(User);

// Use parser with validation
  • Validation Logic: The parser combined with the validator checks if the request body conforms to the User schema.

By integrating these validation techniques, Stric allows you to ensure that incoming requests meet your application's requirements, enhancing both security and data integrity.