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Stric is a powerful, Bun-first framework tailored for crafting high-performance web applications effortlessly. Its core philosophy revolves around speed, scalability, and providing a developer-friendly experience with straightforward, intuitive APIs.

Below is a concise guide to get you started with Stric. The guide covers the initial setup, creating a basic application, defining routes, and launching the server.

Getting Started with Stric

Setting Up Your Project

Begin by setting up a new Bun project and installing the necessary Stric dependencies.

# Initialize a new Bun project
bun init

# Install Stric core and utility packages
bun i @stricjs/app @stricjs/utils
# Initialize a new Bun project
bun init

# Install Stric core and utility packages
bun i @stricjs/app @stricjs/utils

Configuring Your Application

Once the setup is complete, configure the entry point of your application.

  1. Modify the Entry Point File (index.ts): Update the content of index.ts to initiate your Stric application.

    import { init } from '@stricjs/app';
    // Initialize and serve the application with a concise syntax
    init({ routes: ['./src'] });
    import { init } from '@stricjs/app';
    // Initialize and serve the application with a concise syntax
    init({ routes: ['./src'] });
  2. Create Route Definitions: In the src directory, create a new file for your routes (e.g., main.routes.ts).

    import { routes } from '@stricjs/app';
    import { text, json } from '@stricjs/app/send';
    // Define and export your routes
    export default routes()
        .get('/', () => text('Welcome to Stric!'))
        .post('/json', ctx => ctx.json().then(json));
    import { routes } from '@stricjs/app';
    import { text, json } from '@stricjs/app/send';
    // Define and export your routes
    export default routes()
        .get('/', () => text('Welcome to Stric!'))
        .post('/json', ctx => ctx.json().then(json));

    These route handlers will be automatically recognized and registered by Stric at runtime.

Running Your Application

To launch your application, execute the following command:

# Start the server using the entry point file
bun run index.ts

# Alternatively, you can use the shorthand command
bun .
# Start the server using the entry point file
bun run index.ts

# Alternatively, you can use the shorthand command
bun .

By default, the application will be accessible at localhost:3000.

Customizing the Server Port

You can modify the server port in two ways:

  1. Environment Variable: Set the PORT environment variable to your preferred port number.

  2. Serve Options: Directly specify the port in the init configuration within your entry point file.

    import { init } from '@stricjs/app';
        routes: ['./src'],
        // Configuration for Bun.serve
        serve: { port: 8080 }
    import { init } from '@stricjs/app';
        routes: ['./src'],
        // Configuration for Bun.serve
        serve: { port: 8080 }

    With the configuration above, your server will now listen at localhost:8080.

Next Steps

You have successfully created a basic Stric application! As you continue, the documentation will introduce more advanced concepts and capabilities of the Stric framework.